Are reWrap Tree Bags are the best bags ever?
This is exactly the type of company and design process we’ve been waiting for. reWrap from the Netherlands has developed an entire line of business accessories that are 100% biodegradable and totally sustainable. They make bags, laptop cases, tablet cases, and phone cases. And like our favorite shoe company Po-Zu, they only use natural materials like coconut coir, rubber, wood, and wool to make them.
The reWrap Tree Bags have a rubber liner on the inside to make them waterproof, and the exterior is made from coconut coir. The wood handle is attached using brass screws (remove before composting.) They offer two different sizes, medium and large. The medium is 12.5″ wide by 11″ tall. The large is 14.9″ wide by 11.8″ tall. So big enough for laptops and notebooks, etc.
Now, these aren’t inexpensive, they go for € 245.00 ($260) and € 275.00 ($295) respectively and I’m not sure if that includes shipping. They are handmade so I believe the pricing is correct given the market realities facing the Eurozone and the cost of materials and doing business there. But remember, the rule of economies of scale dictates that the more a particular product is produced, the less expensive it becomes to make as efficiencies are put into place throughout the production process. If we support companies and products like this when we can, we will see more companies produce these types of products and the pricing for them will come down, yet maintain the types of profit margins needed for the companies to survive.
Will Tree Bags stand the test of time from a durability standpoint? A good leather bag can last for nearly 100 years but comes with a lot of associated downsides given the way they are produced. If you are committing yourself fully to changing the world’s economy to a cleaner, more sustainable, and positive human endeavor then ditching the short-term, short-lived cheap products for products such as the ones made by reWrap is top priority. You can make a difference with your consumption habits!
I also give reWrap top marks for their whole production philosophy, which can be seen on their sleeves page. They go out of their way to use non-toxic materials and dyes, minimize material use, and offset their transportation related carbon emissions.